Yep - a couple of you guessed it. We're having another baby.....Lord willing.
Thankfully this is Shannon's face when I told him the news. We both knew we wanted another one but Shannon was taking a bit more of a leap of faith than me so I was hoping this would be his response.
It I've learned anything it's the fact that we may make plans but God is the one who decides.
We're 8 1/2 weeks along and having our first appt and ultrasound on Monday. I complained the first couple of weeks that I wasn't sick or tired. I wanted to feel those early pregnancy symptoms so my mind could be put at ease that it was progressing. Well I got what I asked for. I've been beyond unbearably tired and feeling sick almost all day with the worst part at night. Our house is such a mess. You may think I'm exaggerating but last night Shannon took down five water cups from my nightstand by our bed. Every time I feel especially sick or tired I remind myself that it's a good sign. So anyway I'll keep you all posted and do my best to post more often. I know that a lot of family checks this - sorry to go so long.

I found out we were pregnant the Tuesday before Valentine's Day but I knew I couldn't hold off five days to tell him. We had no night available except that Wednesday so I called a friend to come watch the kids so we could just go out for a quick dinner. I said it was an early Valentine's Day dinner. I called ahead (Sonny's in San Clemente) and asked them to make a surprise heart shaped pizza and asked if they would bring out a bottle of sparkling cider and a gift bag for Shan. Thankfully he agreed to do pizza (to make me happy even though he didn't want it) and he was so confused when the pizza, cider and bag came out. He was happily surprised. It was a really fun night!!!