Saturday, September 12, 2009

Quick Update on JJ's Progress

I had a few minutes here on a Saturday while Shannon is at the men's retreat and I'm a total vegetable on the couch with the kids watching a movie - after a morning of cartoons (yes, I'm a bad mom) so I thought I'd post a quick update.

September is a VERY busy month for us as I start working two days a week (boo hoo!), ministry starts up at church for us and the kids, Shannon starts school again (and works full time with our Real Estate Mortgage business), Noah starts his one morning a week preschool again, Jordan continues with therapy as usual and we go through the crazy process of Special Education testing through the local school district. Uggg. Today is a much deserved morning on the couch with the kids. I'm loving it!

As for Jordan's update - she is doing very, very well and it's great to see. This month she is being assessed in the areas of gross motor, fine motor, speech/language, pre-academic and cognitive skills with our local school district. We aren't expecting her qualify for services in any area, thankfully, but we want to be sure and we want to know for sure that she is closing the gap developmentally and that her medical issues haven't caused delays that need to be worked on. Next month we are expecting her to only have therapy one morning a week and no surgeries scheduled on the horizon for another 2 or 3 years. I can't imagine! She will be three this month which a whole blog post in itself.

A big milestone recently is her ability to go up and down a few stairs without assistance. It's so exciting. She is physically becoming more and more independent all the time. She's beginning to be able to hang on monkey bars for a couple seconds (showing increased hand strength and flexibility), she is beginning to learn to use special scissors to cut paper, she can draw circles and lines on paper, she is only wearing her brace part-time now and is graduating to a smaller brace in a week or so. She's just doing so great and it's fun to see. I put a video on here of her climbing the stairs in front of our house. We've been working toward this since she began walking after her surgery earlier this year.

I will be posting more pictures soon and then of course her birthday post - she turns three on September 30th and we're heading to Disneyland with our "princess" for a day of celebration. Yes she will be in costume - princess of course.


Carrie Steele said...

Jen, what great news. I'm very glad Jordan is doing so well. Though life is exceptionally busy for you, I'd imagine it will be nice to get into a routine that won't be interrupted with surgies. Hope work is going well this week.

Carrie Steele said...

oops...with surgeries. :)

Jane Grundman said...

Hi Jen, Great news regarding Jordan's progress! Nurse Sharon Vargas from CHOC emailed some important info re: orthodontic legislation.Please give me your email address if you are interested.Jane