Monday, November 03, 2008

Mommy/Daughter Date Night



Yes, more Sprite!

Notice the jewelery and glasses - see the next post for details.

Since it was just Jordan and I home tonight I decided to take us out for a girls' date night. It's really so tough being home with her right now so I told her we were going on a date and she loved the idea. The whole way in the car she kept saying "Date!" "Date!"
I wanted a place outdoors where we could walk around (keeping her happy in her chair with her leg up), eat, and browse. I took her to the Aliso Veijo Town Center. We ate at Fatburger while listening to the jukebox and Jordan saying over and over, "Too loud!" She happily slurped down her Sprite and ate straight ketchup with her hands (her favorite meal). We walked to see the fountain where I let her throw pennies in and she would crack up so loud every time. It was hilarious. After that we walked to Barnes and Noble to read books in the kids section. She LOVES books and we found a small Christian book section for kids and read some great books until she started being super silly. She was cracking up so loudly we finally headed out. I couldn't stop laughing and it was more of the same on the way home listening to her try to sing a mix of If You're Happy and You Know it and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.
What an addition to our family she is. As voting day approaches I think more and more about a quote I saw on a video clip of Obama. I'm not quoting exactly but he basically said that he is going to raise his daughters to make good decisions but he doesn't want them to pay for a mistake they make by having to raise a child/have a baby. He was making a statement for abortion as a solution to a mistake and having a baby as punishment for that mistake. I look at Jordan and can't imagine how anyone can vote for a man who sees a baby, a child, a God given life as a punishment to avoid once you've made a mistake. "Don't worry daughters, if you make a mistake you won't have to be accountable for it or responsible - we'll just kill it so it doesn't interfere with your life." Children are a precious, precious gift from God and are to be considered arrows in the hands of warriors...blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. It breaks my heart that if Obama wins this election tomorrow women in a challenging situation may take the "easy" way out without fully understanding what they are throwing away.
I have to remind all of you reading this that we were offered again and again the opportunity to kill Jordan. We were tired of hearing them tell us they'd kill her if we wanted them to so we finally asked them to stop offering. We weren't considering that as an option. Look at her now and think about how much she means to so many of you reading this.


Heather said...

I love your post... God Bless! You are a great mom keeping her so happy and busy...hopefully we'll see you at church one Sunday

Chiara said...

You are awesome, Jen. Jordan is so blessed to have a mom like you, just as you are blessed to have her as a daughter. I love her sense of humor.
I heard the quote you are refering to in Obama's speech. It made me suck in my breath. So sad! I ache for those who realize, after an abortion, what a precious gift and individual a child is and what an act of murder it really is. Even if they aren't Christian, most parents recognize this upon having their first child. I can't imagine how it breaks God's heart to see such precious life thrown away and viewed as a "punishment."

Chiara said...

You are awesome, Jen. Jordan is so blessed to have a mom like you, just as you are blessed to have her as a daughter. I love her sense of humor.
I heard the quote you are refering to in Obama's speech. It made me suck in my breath. So sad! I ache for those who realize, after an abortion, what a precious gift and individual a child is and what an act of murder it really is. Even if they aren't Christian, most parents recognize this upon having their first child. I can't imagine how it breaks God's heart to see such precious life thrown away and viewed as a "punishment."

Alie Joy said...

I loved reading about your date!!! You are such a wonderful mom!!! Jordan is blessed!!! I love that she likes to eat ketchup!! My parents used to tease me that they'd just give me a bottle and a straw at each meal, I loved it so much! (I still do!)
Jordan is so precious!!!!

Jennifer Gray said...

Alison - last week I had mustard on the table for her to taste on her hot dog. I turned around and she had the whole tip of the mustard container in her mouth and was sucking mustard out and swallowing it. NASTY!!!

Amiah Jolie said...

Oh Jen..She is just beautiful!! What an amazing gift from God. She just melts my heart! I can't believe how big she is! Do you still go to RH Dana? God bless you and your family!!!


Angela Robinett~