Thursday, September 11, 2008

Surgery Scheduled!

I talked to the scheduler today and we were given only two options...October 30th and October 31st. Noah is starting preschool (one morning a week) next Thursday and they have their first field trip to a pumpkin patch October 30th. There is no way we would miss that so we had to go with October 31st.
Although we don't technically celebrate Halloween we do get the kids dressed up as something non-scary and we do a loop around the block with their friends then head to church where we have a Harvest celebration with rides, pony rides, treats and so much fun. At first I was SO upset that we'd miss it and I started to feel sorry for us that we seem to miss all the fun. If you remember how challenging last Halloween/Harvest Day was for us, (see blog post) and the emotional rollercoaster it was, you will understand. Again I just want to be like "normal" families whose lives aren't interrupted by surgeries etc. However by God's grace I able to gain perspective and be thankful and content with every circumstance, understanding that I prayed last night and today for God' s timing and this is it. We were at CHOC two years ago Halloween and I remember seeing all the patients and their siblings dressed up in fun costumes having a parade through the hospital (also another post on the blog you can read in the archives). At the time it was certainly surreal realizing that we are stuck between two worlds sometimes - the world of the sick where "normal" is interrupted and then also the typical world we live in that doesn't involve hospital stays, surgeries, therapies, etc. What a gift that we get to be a part of both. I'm so thankful for the families we meet and connect with at hospitals and I'm so thankful for the other world we are a part of - the typical world.
I called the Child Life Dept at the hospital and talked to them about what they offer kids on Halloween. For sure it won't be a godly, Christian Harvest celebration but it will be fun for Noah regardless. We will take him with us the morning of her surgery and while she's having her surgery he'll get to head down to the peds floor to play in the Child Life room with the other kids, making crafts, decorating cookies, and going trick or treating around the hospital. We will sure miss our church family at the Harvest celebration but what an opportunity for Noah to be surrounded by children who are suffering and who lives are also interrupted. What a chance God has given us to further teach Noah about compassion and service. The possibilities are endless - I'm wondering if I should talk to our Kids Ministry staff about having the kids make Harvest crafts for Noah to give to the patients as an addition to their "Halloween" stuff. Hmmm...I'll start praying about that now and you can join me. :)
So there it is - surgery scheduled for October 31st and we'll be staying two days beyond that if all goes well.


Darcy said...

Hello! I found your blog through a link on someone else's blog and I'm so glad I found you. What beautiful children you have. God has truly blessed you.

I'm going to bookmark your page, and if you don't mind, I'd count it a privilege to add your blog to my sidebar on Rachel's Journey.


Chiara said...

Hi, Jen! I'll be praying for the 31st. I would love to help you think of some crafts you can do that are harvest related, rather than Halloween. That was always what I did every year in my classroom. I'll be brainstorming!