Here's JJ joining Noah in the pre-op room - she was so happy to see him and they were having a blast together this morning.
We're home and doing well, thankfully.
Jordan's ear tube surgery went well, as expected. It took ten minutes or so and her recovery was very quick. Noah's took 45 minutes or so and his recovery wasn't as easy. When he started waking up from the anesthesia he went crazy! I've been warned before about this but honestly I was not prepared. They told me that they normally wait until that part passes before letting parents in but since we've gone through surgeries so many times they assumed I knew. Oh man! He was hitting, kicking, screaming, thrashing and it took two nurses and myself to hold him down. I tried holding him standing up and he kept throwing himself backward. The nurses and I were sweating (Shan had already taken Jordan home so he wasn't able to help) and the strange thing is that his eyes were closed the whole time. It was like he was having a bad dream or something. Thankfully they gave him Demerol and he fell asleep. He woke up a new kid. He laid there and watched TV so mellow and just kind of sad until we came home. He's talking a little bit and says his throat doesn't hurt too bad.
The doctor told us that his adenoids were so big that he couldn't see past them. He was quite surprised they were so bad/big. I'm REALLY relieved that we had the surgery done. Hopefully this will help him sleep better and eat better.
Well, Shan's mom is here and I'm going to lay down with Noah for a nap.
I'll update more in a couple days.
Thanks SO much for praying! I SOOO appreciate it and it's super comforting to know during anxious times that people are praying. :)
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